Ferro bis
Ferro bis
Ferro bis
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Vitamins and minerals

Ferro bis

A base di ferro, Acido folico Vitamine e L-cisteina. Contribuisce alla formazione dei globuli rossi e dell’emoglobina.

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Based on ferro, Acido folico Vitamine e L-cisteina
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Gluten free

Ferro bis FERRO BISGLYCINATE HIGHLY ABSORBABLE THANKS TO THE SYNERGISTIC PRESENCE OF COPPER, L-CYSTEINE, AND VITAMIN C, is a dietary supplement of iron that contributes to the proper formation of red blood cells and hemoglobin, and the regular transport of oxygen in the body. Package: 30 capsules

Ferro Bisglycinate
Iron chelated with two glycine molecules, highly bioavailable, up to 80%. It resists the action of gastric juices and reaches the intestine unchanged, where it will be easily absorbed. This organic iron formula is well tolerated and easily digestible by the body.

A fundamental mineral for the functioning of numerous proteins involved in iron absorption (Hephaestin and Ceruloplasmin).

A non-essential amino acid required for protein synthesis. It optimizes the absorption of non-heme iron (iron bound to proteins, such as Ferritin Fe3+).

Vitamin C
Present in the product at double the daily requirement set at 80 mg. Acting in the intestinal tract thanks to the gastro-resistant capsule, it allows better access and absorption of iron.

Vitamins B6, B12, and B9 (Folic Acid)
B-group vitamins link iron to vital blood functions and are involved in the erythropoiesis process essential for the production of red blood cells.

Captures and utilizes free radicals from mitochondria with high protective power.

More Information
Characteristics Gluten free, Lactose-free
Doses and ways of use Dosage and method of use: take 1 capsule a day, preferably with food.
Description Nutritional Information Ingredienti caratterizzanti*dose max giornaliera **VNR: valore nutritivo giornaliero di riferimento (adulti) ai sensi del Reg. EU n.1169/2011
per cps vnr apport medi ingredienti caratterizzanti dose max giornaliera valore nutritivo giornaliero di riferimento adulti ai sensi del reg eu 1169 2011
Gluten free
Average contributions per 1 cps* %VNR**
L-cisteina 100 mg  
Vitamina C 160 mg 200
Ferro 30 mg 214,3
Betacarotene 2,5 mg  
pari a vitamina A 417 mcg 52
Acido folico 400 mcg 200
Vitamina B12 13 mcg 520
Vitamina B6 5 mg 357
Rame 1,5 mg 150
bisglicinato ferroso; vitamina C protetta (acido L-ascorbico, agente di rivestimento: etilcellulosa); L-cisteina; agente di rivestimento (involucro capsula): idrossipropilmetilcellulosa, gomma di gellano; vitamina A (beta-carotene); agenti antiagglomeranti: biossido di silicio, sali di magnesio deegli acidi grassi; gluconato di rame; vitamina B6 (cloridrato di piridossina); acido folico (acido pteroil-monoglutammico); vitamina B12 (cianocobalamina).