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Cardiovascular system

Aterolip plus

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Monacoline from red rice, berberine, naringin, polygonum cuspidatum, epa and dha for the regular function of the cardiovascular system.
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Gluten free
79% EPA + DHA
Friend of the Sea

Aterolip plus is a food supplement based on fish oil rich in Omega 3 (EPA-DHA), which taken in the amount of 250 mg per day, contribute to normal heart function. It also contains monacolins from red rice, berberine, naringin, piperine, niacin and polygonum cuspidatum for the regular function of the cardiovascular system.

Pack of: 30 tablets + 30 pearls

Monacolina K from fermented red rice

Natural statin with inhibitory activity of HMG-coA reductase (hydroxymethylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase). It causes a favorable effect on lipids, reducing the synthesis of endogenous cholesterol and triglycerides.


It inhibits the down regulation of LDL receptors, strengthens and maintains the function of monacolin over time. Promotes the transport and elimination of LDL cholesterol.


Lipophilic antioxidant and stabilizer of membrane functions. Policosanols block HMG-coA reductase, inhibiting the production of the enzyme.

Coenzyme Q10

It prevents disorders associated with the reduction of endogenous Q10 caused by monacolin in sensitive individuals.


Naringin is a flavanone (belonging to the class of flavonoids) extracted from citrus fruits, it is purified, concentrated and micronized in order to increase its bioavailability. Its phytotherapeutic potential has been extensively investigated from a metabolic point of view. It has direct action in the liver with a reduction in the activity of the HMG Coa reductase enzyme, a limiting and therefore regulating step in the synthesis of cholesterol. By mimicking the effect of the natural statins present in Ateronorm it works in synergy with them with an improvement in the hypocholesterolemic action.


kinomega omega 3 certificato

Fatty acid of the omega 3 series, promotes the reduction of triglyceride levels. Precursor in the synthesis of docosanoids, an important regulator of cellular processes, including inflammation and one of the main constituents of phospholipids of the central nervous system.


Antioxidant of intracellular fatty acids. Control of ultracellular triglycerides.

Vitamin E

Antioxidant vitamin par excellence.

More Information
Characteristics Gluten free, Lactose-free
Doses and ways of use
Take 1 tablet + 1 pearl per day.
Trademarks IFOS, 79% EPA + DHA, Friend of the Sea
Description Nutritional Information *VNR: Valore nutritivo di riferimento giornaliero (adulti) ai sensi del Reg. (UE) n.1169/2011
Gluten free
Apporti medi *per 1 perla
Olio di pesce 1200 mg
Apporto in EPA 432 mg
Apporto in DHA 288 mg
Apporti medi *per 1 compressa **%VNR
Berberina 500 mg
Monacoline totali da riso rosso fermentato < 3 mg
Naringina 200 mg
Polygonum cuspidatum 50 mg
di cui resveratrolo 10 mg
Piperina da pepe nero 4,9 mg
Niacina 54 mg
Perle: olio di pesce (KinOmega) tit. 36% in acido eicosapentaenoico (EPA)/24% in acido docosaesaenoico (DHA), capsula in gelatina alimentare, agente di resistenza: glicerina, antiossidante: tocoferoli misti. Compresse: berberina da Berberis (Berberis aristata DC., corteccia dei rami), naringina, agenti di carica: cellulosa, fosfato tricalcico; riso rosso fermentato (Oryza sativa L. semi) da Monascus purpureus e.s., acido nicotinico (niacina), Polygonum cuspidatum (Polygonum cuspidatum Siebold & Zucc., radice) e.s. tit. 20% in resveratrolo, agenti antiagglomeranti: biossido di silicio, sali di magnesio degli acidi grassi; piperina da frutto di pepe nero (Piper nigrum L.), agenti di rivestimento: idrossi- propil-metilcellulosa, carbonato di calcio, talco, glicerolo, ossidi e idrossidi di ferro.